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Thursday, December 14, 2006


2nd week of the holz are almost gone. Dday cometh... yucks. Oh well cant be helped i suppose. hee. Lets see...kinda asked some of my friends this question just for the fun of it. here goes.. "

Me:"How many pple you have on your msn?"
A:"Erm... about 200 i guess?"
Me:"wow... thats a lot."
A:"okay lah"
Me:"Okay? then how many pple do u actually converse with?"
A:"eh..... dunno lei"
Me:"i would say not more than 10.."
A:"how you know?"
Me:"In the first place.. dont tell me you have all 200 pple logging on at once. Dont tell me that u have some many topics to talk about to 200 pple. Dont tell me that all 200 pple still rememeber you. And i believe that there are some once in a blue moon contacts. and there are some who contact you, just because they need your help and after that dunno die where and when need help again, they appear from the abyss..."
A:"eh.... oookkaayy... you got me there."

Just some random conversation i had with a friend. Just got me wondering.. I admit too.. i have quite a fair bit of contacts and i admit... i got at least 30% of the pple there i dun even contact now. why? Just somehow dont know contact for wad... conversations now hardly last... Its the usual how are u and then silence. And yes i have does so called "friends" who "Hi hi to you when the need help and bye bye go and die when they dont need you.."

Oh well guess human beings are funny creatures. Schooling complain zzzz, exams complain zzzzz, work also zzzz holiday also zzzzz. haha. Well least these thoughts are out from my mind. Phew.... Oh well take it with a pinch of salt, lots of salt, no salt or just hit me.

Oh yah... CafeDelMar singapore is due to open in Sentosa Siloso beach. So any chill out fans there wanna hit that place, do check out their webbie at for more details. Cant wait for them top finally open. Sunset at Siloso beach.

Hmm Christmas is round the corner.... so well. Merry Christmas i suppose then. Time to go collect some more dust then.
Peace y'all
Have fun.

PS: what i have written are just my own opinions and thoughts. if anyone feels darn wrong, pissed, angree, happeee or what so ever, do bring your beef against me by dropping a comment or email. The post above is just for pure fun and there is no intention of hurting anyone. Cheers.